
What is your favorite class and why?
My favorite class is definitely Geography. Geography is a class where you can openly share your perspective, opinion, and experiences. For example, on the first day of school, we studied the geography of Washington, D.C., not only the 8 quadrants, but also the rate of teen pregnancies, the amount of children/teenagers who are enrolled into private schools, the income of each household, etc. I learned so much about where I go to school and where I go to hang out and eat dinner with my friends. I thought I knew so much more about DC, but realized I did not. Geography has been eye-opening for me.

Where is your favorite spot on the Close?
My favorite spot on the Close is definitely the Cathedral lawn. The Cathedral lawn is the place where the Lower School has recess, a place where I eat lunch on a warm day with my best friends, and a place where I can relax if I need some down time during my free period, looking up at the magnificent view of the National Cathedral. 

What is your favorite NCS tradition?
I have many favorite traditions, but my absolute favorite tradition is Spirit/Music Day, in late September during our Homecoming weekend. We dress up as the color that we were assigned when we first came to NCS, either purple or gold (GO GOLD!). We do not have any classes, it is a day of just crazy, purple vs. gold activities, such as shaving cream Twister, an extremely competitive game of musical chairs, and many more. After the competitions, there is Music Day, featuring funny skits by students. Everyone laughs hysterically! The day starts the year off well, and makes me grateful for our community.

What are your favorite extracurriculars to participate in at NCS?
The performing arts. I have been doing musicals and plays since I was in 7th grade, and I have had the most fun. The perfuming arts program is co-ed, so it is a way to interact, socialize, and meet St. Albans boys. Although productions can be time-consuming, in the end it is worth it. From doing performing arts, I have made some of my best friends, because we have bonded over so many experiences while in rehearsals, performing on stage, or finishing a fantastic performance. 

Why did you come to NCS?
I came to NCS in 5th grade, so to be honest, it was more my parents’ decision more than it was mine. I moved to Maryland from Florida when I was in 5th grade, and when touring NCS, I pretended that I hated it, because I did not want to move from my home in Florida. Yet, when I was given the tour by the amazing Lower School director, she made me feel like NCS was a place where I belonged. She said that the work was challenging, but she also made a point that work is not all we do at NCS, we also have fun. When looking at our amazing athletic center, beautiful Hearst Hall, and the adorable Lower School, I knew that NCS was the place for me. Luckily, my parents thought so too. 

Why did you decide to become a student ambassador?
I became a student ambassador because I love NCS. NCS has changed my life, my perspective on the world that we live in, and my work ethic. In addition, my friends and I will have lifelong friendships, and that warms my heart. Those few reasons are why I decided to become a student ambassador; I want to share how great this school has been to me. I want prospective students to feel at home at NCS as much as I do. 

What do you do in your free time?
I get dinner with my friends, or just relax and reflect on the week. I also go to weekend St. Albans football/soccer/basketball games with friends, which is really fun to go and support their team! Lastly, if it is not a busy weekend, I go out to dinner with my family to start the new week off well.

What is one piece of advice you would give to a new student at NCS?
Stay focused, and have tons of fun. 